At its 2019 Annual Meeting in Belfast, the European Political Science Association elected Vera E. Troeger as its new president. She is Professor of Comparative Political Science at the University of Hamburg and Professor of Political Economy in the Department of Economics at Warwick University. Vera has been a long-standing and active member of EPSA. She was the founding editor-in-chief of EPSA’s flagship journal, Political Science Research and Methods, and has long served on the association’s executive council and on its diversity committee. For some time now Vera has been engaged in research on gender issues as well as supporting women in academia. During her two-year term as EPSA president, she will work hard to support academic women and other minorities in the association by organizing mentoring, career development, and networking events. She is also committed to EPSA’s mission to provide a platform for rigorous and analytical political science research.

Professor Troeger succeeds Professor Orit Kedar of the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.